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Piano Note


At Your Home

Enroll in this hands-on, innovative class and take part in a unique, challenging learning experience.  Our qualified and skilled teachers serve as facilitators in the course, guiding students through exploring and individual learning.  Send us an email if you want to learn more.

Empty Orchestra Stage


Fun and Challenging

Dive right into class with one of our expert conductors.  Our goal as educators is to spur our students’ curiosity and allow them to learn at their own pace.  Get in touch with us to learn more, or better yet, come by to experience this class first-hand.  Email us for more information.

Kids in Art Class


An Exceptional Learning Experience

Teachers at Étoile will go out of their way to engage their students and inspire them to enquire and learn.  This class gives our students a chance to apply their unique skills and expand their horizons by learning something new.  Send us an email today if you want to learn more.

Guitar Playing


More Than You Think


Music Composition

Music Therapy

Art Therapy

Play Therapy and more

Email us for more information.

Classes: Classes
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